

Student Clubs at a college are attuned to help students get most out of their experience while they are enrolled at the college for their academic pursuits. These student clubs offer limitless opportunities for student leadership and participation beyond classroom setup and academic programme. They provide a great platform to usher-in the distinctive perspectives and life experiences that all students bring to the college. They indeed help in students’ transformation and holistic development in a big way. So it is that these clubs are especially aimed at helping students to get involved and find their own niche on their college campus. The college has 27 student clubs and Committees catering to technical, cultural, social, recreational, health and welfare needs and interests of the students. Additionally, there are 5 committees that are solely staffed with staff members who plan and oversee the welfare, needs, and discipline of the kids. All clubs and committees are chaired by the principal and led by the respective convenors.


Prayer Committee


Ms. M. Soumiya

Physical Directress

Ms. M. Vidhya


Sr. A. Akalya

II B.Com

Sr. Thrisha Mary

II B.Sc Mathematics

Sr. P. S. Seline

I BA English

Admission committee

Ms. R. Bella Josephin

Asst. Prof. of Commerce

Ms. A.V. Shahila Selva Kumari



Dr. A. Chandra

Asst. Prof. of Commerce







Discipline committee

Ms. M. Soumiya


Sr. Dr. N. Prasheeba

Head, Dept. of English


Sr. S. Sahaya Nirmala Daisy

Head, Dept. of Computer Science.

Sr. Dr. I. Sahaya Dani

Asst. Prof. of Mathematics

Ms. R. Bella Josephin

Asst. Prof. of Commerce

Ms. J. Jenifer

II BA English

Ms. L.R. Sharmi

III B.Sc Mathematics

Ms. C. Christal Rose Suji

III B.Sc Computer Science

Research and Development Committee

Dr. A.Chandra

Asst. Prof. of Commerce


Dr. S. Jasmine Minija

Asst. Prof. of Computer Science

Dr. J. Lisy Bennet

Asst. Prof. of Mathematics

Dr. S. Jesilin Sundara Beula

Asst. Prof. of Commerce

Dr. T. Christena

Asst. prof. of English

Career Guidance and Counselling committee

Dr. Sr. V. Leema Rose

Asst. Prof. of Commerce


Dr. J. Lisy Bennet

Asst. Prof. of Mathematics

Dr. S. Jesilin Sundara Beula

Asst. Prof. of Commerce

Sports Club

Ms. M. Soumiya

Physical Directress


Ms. C.S. Jeevitha Santha Kumari

Asst. Prof. of Tamil


Asst.Prof. of Mathematics

Dr. T. Christena

Asst. Prof. of English

Women’s Forum

Dr. T. Christena

Asst. Prof. of English


Dr. S. Jesilin Sundara Beula

Asst. Prof. of Commerce

Ms. Kavitha Selvam

Asst. Prof. of Mathematics

Transportation Committee

Sr. Dr. V. Leema Rose

Asst. prof. of Commerce


Dr. A. Chandra

Asst. prof. of Commerce

Dr. A. Sajena

Asst. Prof. of English

Ms. J. Ashmin Ezhil Joe

II MA English

Ms. A. Steenu Raj

II B.Com

Ms. T. Dhanisha

II M.Sc Mathematics

Ms. A. Shavo Viyani

III B.SC Computer Science


Sr. Dr. I. Sahaya Dani

Asst. Prof. of Mathematics


Ms. R. Ahalya

Asst. Prof. of English

Sr. A. Akalya


Sr. Thrisha Mary

II B.Sc Mathematics

Sr. P. S. Seline

I BA English


Ms. T. D. Jain Suba

Asst. Prof. of Computer Science



Ms. C. Subet Selin

Asst. Prof. of Mathematics



Ms. Kavitha Selvam

Asst. Prof. of Mathematics


Fine Arts Association

Dr. C. Subet Selin

Asst. Prof. of Mathematics


Dr. S. Jasmine Minija

Asst. Prof. of Computer Science

Ms. J. M. Gracelin Lydia

Asst. Prof. of English

Dr. B. Queen Sheeba

Asst. Prof. of Physics

Ms. A. Ashmi

III BA English

Ms. J. P. Angelin Benisha

II M.Com

Ms. S. R. Shamini

III B.Sc Mathematics

Ms. S. Gil Christy

III B.Sc Computer Science

Ms. K. Archana

II M.Com

Health Club

Ms. T. D. Jain Suba

Asst. Prof of Computer Science


Ms. M. Mibinciya

II BA English

Ms. F. Fremsiya

I M.Com

Ms. M. Ambili

II B.Sc Mathematics

Ms. A. Abinaya

III B.Sc Computer Science

ECO Club

Sr. Dr. N. Prasheeba

Asst. Prof. of English


Ms. Soumiya

Physical Directress

Ms. Kavitha Selvam

Asst. Prof. of Mathematics

Ms. R.G. Harishma

II MA English

Ms. A. Shylu Mol

I B.Com

Ms. L. Nishintha

II M.Sc Mathematics

Ms. J. Anbaki

III B.Sc Computer Science

Blood donor club

Dr. T. Bindhu

Asst. Prof. of Mathematics


Ms. R. Bella Josephin

Asst. Prof. of Commerce

Ms. T. C. Bency

Asst. Prof. of English

Ms. C. L. Bavisha

III BA English

Sr. Akalya

II B.Com

Eye Donor Club

Dr. B. Queen Sheeba

Head Dept. of Physics


Dr. T. Christena

Asst. Prof. of English

Driving Club

Ms. A. V. Shahila Selva Kumari



Ms. T. C. Bency

Asst. Prof. of English

Ms. Kavitha Selvam

Asst. Prof. of Mathematics

First Aid Club

Dr. S. Jesilin Sundara Beula

Asst. Prof. of Commerce


Ms.T. Bindhu

Asst. Prof. of Mathematics

Ms. A.V. Shahila Selva Kumari


Ms. R. Hemalin Subala

Asst. Prof. of Physics

Ms. M.S. Ashika

III BSc Physics

Ms. J. Jeshini Senal


Ms. C.L. Bavisha

II BA English

Ms. A. Mary Sanitha


Ms. J. Anusha

II BSc Mathematics

Photography Club

Ms. R. Hemalin Subala

Asst. Prof. of Physics


Ms. S.R. Benila

Asst. Prof. of English

Ms. A. Sajena

Asst. Prof. of English

Ms. S. Prabin Sathya

Junior Assistant

Ms. S. Gill Christy,

II BSc Computer Science

Ms. J. Ashmin Ezhil Joe

I BA English

Ms. R. Benisha

II BSc Mathematics

Ms. J. Sejina Mirsha


ICT Club

Ms. T.D. Jain Subha

Asst. Prof. of Computer Science


Dr. A. Chandra

Asst. Prof. of Commerce

Ms. A. Annie Divya Mahisha

Asst. Prof. of English

Ms. J. Anbaki


Ms. Asna


Ms. Akshaya Dominic


Book Bank Committee

Ms. A.V. Shahila Selva Kumari



Ms. C. S. Jeevitha Santha Kumari

Head Dept. of Tamil

Sr. Dr. N. Prasheeba

Head Dept. of English

Ms. C. Subet Selin

Head Dept. of Mathematics

Dr. B. Queen Sheeba

Head Dept. of Physics

Sr. S. Sahaya Nirmala Daisy

Head Dept. of Computer Science

Sr. Dr. V. Leema Rose

Head Dept. of Commerce

Newsletter Committee

Sr. Dr. N. Prasheeba

Head, Dept. of English


Sr. Dr. I. Sahaya Dani

Asst. Prof. of Mathematics

Ms. A. Annie Divya Mahisha

Asst. Prof. of English

Ms.C.S.Jeevitha Santha Kumari

Head, Dept. of Tamil

Ms. R. Hemalin Subala

Asst. Prof. of Physics

Dr. C.Abinaya Priya

Prof. of Commerce

Ms. R. Jonisha

II MA English

Ms. I. Iswarya

II MSc Mathematics

Audio Video Club

Ms. A.Sajeena

Asst. Prof. of English


Ms. A. Anbumani

Asst. Prof. of Physics

Ms.T. Bindhu,

Asst. Prof. of Mathematics

Student Council Advisory Committee

Sr. Dr. V. Leema Rose

Head, Dept. of Commerce


Dr. J. Lisy Bennet

Asst. Prof. of Mathematics

Ms. A. Annie Divya Mahisha

Asst. Prof. of English

Dr. A. Chandra

Asst. Prof. of Commerce

Ms. T.D. Jain Suba,

Asst. Prof. of Computer Science

Ms. A. Anbumani,

Asst. Prof. of Physics

Book Review Club

Ms.A. Annie Divya Mahisha

Dept. of English


Ms. A.V. Shahila Selva Kumari


Ms. C. S. Jeevitha Santha Kumari,

Head, Dept. of Tamil

Ms. A. Ashmi

II BA English

Ms. S. Abitha

III BSc Mathematics

Ms. A. Mary Sanitha


Ms. R. Arquabla


Ms. P. M. Nivethya

II MA English

Extension Activities Committee

Sr. Dr. N. Prasheeba

Dept. of English


Sr. S. Sahaya Nirmala Daisy

Head, Dept. of Computer Science

Sr. Dr. V. Leema Rose

Head, Dept. of Commerce

Ms. C. Subet Selin

Head, Dept. of Mathematics

Dr. B. Queen Sheeba

Head, Dept. of Physics

Dr. C. Abinaya Priya,

Asst Prof. of Commerce

Committee for Remedial Coaching

Dr. B. Queen Sheeba

Head, Dept. of Physics


Dr. S. R. Benila

Asst Prof. of English

Dr. S. Jesilin Sundara Beula

Asst Prof. of Commerce

Ms. R. Suganya

Asst Prof. of Mathematics

Ms. T. Ahila

Asst Prof. of Computer Science

Grievance Redressal Cell

Ms. A.V. Shahila Selva Kumari



Ms. R. Bella Josephin

Asst. Prof. of Commerce

Ms. C. Subet Selin

Head Dept. of Mathematics

Ms. A. Annie Divya Mahisha

Dept. of English

Ms. C.S. Jeevitha Santha Kumari

Head, Dept. of Tamil

Planning and Monitoring Committee

Sr. Dr. V. Leema Rose

Head, Dept. of Commerce


Sr. Dr. N. Prasheeba

Head, Dept. of English

Sr. S. Sahaya Nirmala Daisy

Head, Dept. of Computer Science

Ms. C. Subet Selin

Head, Dept. of Mathematics

Dr. B. Queen Sheeba

Head, Dept. of Physics

Ms. A.V. Shahila Selva Kumari


Ms. M. Soumiya

Physical Directress

Library Advisory Committee

Ms. A.V. Shahila Selva Kumari



Sr. Dr. N. Prasheeba

Head, Dept. of English

Ms. C. S. Jeevitha Santha Kumari

Head, Dept. of Tamil

Sr. Dr. V. Leema Rose

Head, Dept. of Commerce

Sr. Dr. I. Sahaya Dani

Asst Prof. of Mathematics

Ms. R. Hemalin Subala

Asst Prof. of Physics

Dr. S. Jesilin Sundara Beaula

Asst Prof. of Commerce

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